Welcome to Redemption Roadhouse: Pathways to Spiritual Healing

In The Lost Prairie, Ellery’s friend Nia creates a website called “Redemption Roadhouse.” This is that website.

Nia is a mesmerizing, courageous woman who has been used and exploited by men in her life, in spite of her apparent strength. In a way, The Lost Prairie is a little bit of Nia’s story. Her tale is one that hasn’t been fully told, and perhaps one day she will whisper it in my ear and I’ll chronicle it for you.

On the surface, we’ve been saturated with the tragedies horrific and humiliating. Our society seems to want to hear more; we want to compare our lives to others, and the abuse details we read and hear about are salacious gossip, if nothing else.

But we seldom get to the point where we witness God using women who have been hurt, put down, minimized, and forgotten.

I touched lightly on Nia’s awakening on her new life opening up. One day, I might relate Nia’s whole story.

Nia had it figured out—we're all just strangers in a rattletrap old roadhouse. The cold North wind blows through the chinks, and we’re all working out our lives and telling our stories.

But we are redeemed, and that makes this place very special.

I hope you can stop for a while, rest and hear the dramas, and remember your own while we wait to discover how God is going to use us as we travel from our beginnings to our destinations.

The Lost Prairie

In "The Lost Prairie," Ellery Garrett faces the vast Montana landscape, wrestling with grief and her shaken faith after her husband's sudden death. Feeling unmoored, Ellery goes back to her family ranch—that's been a cherished heirloom in her life, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual healing. With the help of Sadie, a mysterious friend, and Howell Jeffers, an old acquaintance, Ellery searches for solace and meaning. Through their support, she reconnects with her spiritual roots, finding forgiveness and hope amidst loss. This moving tale of resilience and the power of love highlights the strength of the human spirit and the deep connection to land. "The Lost Prairie" is a testament to finding light in darkness and the unexpected places where healing begins. It's a story of coming home, not just to a place, but to oneself.

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